Environmental Protection Policy

Greenhouse Gas Management Policy|
We are committed to sustainable operations and actively promote energy-saving and carbon reduction measures. Our goal is to annually record energy usage, convert it to greenhouse gas emissions, and systematically reduce these emissions based on audit results.

Energy-Efficient Equipment

We are transitioning to LED lighting, prioritizing energy-efficient equipment in new purchases, and planning to use electric vehicles for company operations.

Carbon Reduction Actions

We provide subsidies for employees to purchase electric vehicles, encourage the use of public transportation or bicycles, and promote energy-saving and carbon reduction practices.

Education and Training

We offer regular training for all employees on environmental protection and greenhouse gas reduction.

Carbon Reduction Plan

We regularly review greenhouse gas emissions, set reduction targets, and develop strategies to achieve these goals.

Waste Management Policy|
We committed to establishing effective waste management methods that comply with local and national regulations, while also aiming to reduce waste generation.

Source Reduction and Recycling

Reduce, replace, reuse, and recycle to minimize waste generated during operations and production.

Proper Disposal

Adhere to waste management regulations, ensure proper classification, and handle waste responsibly and transparently.

Waste Reduction Plan

Regularly review waste disposal volumes, set reduction targets, and develop strategies to achieve these goals.